CieAura's Breakthrough Hologram Chips

Saturday, May 15, 2010

District Court Judge Endorses CieAura Pain Chips for Post-Surgical Pain

The following message came in from a retailer who left an Empower Magazine in her hairdresser’s waiting room with her information on it.  This gal contacted her, asked for samples, and here is the results.  Use the tools Cieaura gives us and be amazed!

I have tried the "pain" chips and am impressed!  I had surgery on my right foot about one year ago, and have developed rather painful arthritis in the big toe joint.  I had a cortisone injection three weeks ago and received significant relief, but have had pain for the past several days.  I tried the pain chips, and while the pain is not totally gone, there is great improvement. Generally by the end of the day, after working in dress shoes, I have difficulty walking.  Tonight, upon coming home and changing clothes, I suddenly realized that I did not have any pain, just a little tenderness.  Obviously, I want more!!   I will contact you by phone and place an order.

Renona Browning, District Court Judge